Employment Verifications
For employment verifications, please contact (856) 552-4343 or fax requests, along with a signed release to (856)446-9078. Requests with releases can also be sent via e-mail to HR@cfgpc.com.
CFG Residentials, LLC
1000 Atlantic Avenue
Camden, NJ 08104
Phone: 856-541-9212
Email: info@cfgpc.com
For Residential Information
Jennifer Dowdell, LCSW
Executive Director, CFG Residentials, LLC
Phone: 856-541-9212 x10
Fax: 856-797-4830
Email: jdowdell@cfgpc.com
For Operations
Jay Deppeler, M.Ed.
Chief Operating Officer
Email: jdeppeler@cfgpc.com
For Employment and Human Resources
Barry Robinson
Director of Human Resources
Phone: 856-797-4754
Email: HRHelp@cfgpc.com